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Version: 1.21.x

Loot Functions

Loot functions can be used to modify the result of a loot entry, or the multiple results of a loot pool or loot table. In both cases, a list of functions is defined, which is run in order. During datagen, loot functions can be applied to LootPoolSingletonContainer.Builder<?>s, LootPool.Builders and LootTable.Builders by calling #apply. This article will outline the available loot functions, as well as how to create your own.


Loot functions cannot be applied to composite loot entries (subclasses of CompositeEntryBase and their associated builder classes). They must be added to each singleton entry manually.

Vanilla Loot Functions

See also: Item Modifiers on the Minecraft Wiki


Custom Loot Functions

Loot conditions are a registry. Like many other registries, they use the pattern of "one type object, many instance objects". Additionally, like many other datapack-related systems, they use codecs. To get started, we create our own class extending LootItemFunction. LootItemFunction extends BiFunction<ItemStack, LootContext, ItemStack>, so what we want is to use the existing item stack and the loot context to return a new, modified item stack.

Almost all loot functions don't directly extend LootItemFunction, but extend LootItemConditionalFunction instead. This class has built-in functionality for applying loot conditions to the function - the function is only applied if the loot conditions apply. For the sake of example, let's apply a random enchantment with a specified level to the item:

// Code adapted from vanilla's EnchantRandomlyFunction class.
// LootItemConditionalFunction is an abstract class, not an interface, so we cannot use a record here.
public class RandomEnchantmentWithLevelFunction extends LootItemConditionalFunction {
// Our context: an optional list of enchantments, and a level.
private final Optional<HolderSet<Enchantment>> enchantments;
private final int level;
// Our codec.
public static final MapCodec<RandomEnchantmentWithLevelFunction> CODEC =
// #commonFields adds the conditions field.
RecordCodecBuilder.create(inst -> commonFields(inst).and(
RegistryCodecs.homogeneousList(Registries.ENCHANTMENT).optionalFieldOf("enchantments").forGetter(e -> e.options),
Codec.INT.fieldOf("level").forGetter(e -> e.level)
).apply(inst, RandomEnchantmentWithLevelFunction::new));
// Our loot function type.
public static final LootItemFunctionType TYPE = new LootItemFunctionType(CODEC);

public RandomEnchantmentWithLevelFunction(List<LootItemCondition> conditions, Optional<HolderSet<Enchantment>> enchantments, int level) {
this.enchantments = enchantments;
this.level = level;

// Return our loot function type here.
public LootItemFunctionType getType() {
return TYPE;

// Run our enchantment application logic. Most of this is copied from EnchantRandomlyFunction#run.
public ItemStack run(ItemStack stack, LootContext context) {
RandomSource random = context.getRandom();
List<Holder<Enchantment>> stream = this.enchantments
.orElseGet(() -> context.getLevel().registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.ENCHANTMENT).holders().map(Function.identity()))
.filter(e -> e.value().canEnchant(stack))
Optional<Holder<Enchantment>> optional = Util.getRandomSafe(list, random);
if (optional.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.warn("Couldn't find a compatible enchantment for {}", stack);
} else {
if ( {
stack = new ItemStack(Items.ENCHANTED_BOOK);
stack.enchant(enchantment, Mth.nextInt(random, enchantment.value().getMinLevel(), enchantment.value().getMaxLevel()));
return stack;

And then, we can register the function type to the registry:

public static final DeferredRegister<LootItemFunctionType> LOOT_FUNCTION_TYPES =
DeferredRegister.create(Registries.LOOT_FUNCTION_TYPE, ExampleMod.MOD_ID);

public static final Supplier<LootItemFunctionType> RANDOM_ENCHANTMENT_WITH_LEVEL =
LOOT_FUNCTION_TYPES.register("random_enchantment_with_level", () -> RandomEnchantmentWithLevelFunction.TYPE);