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Version: 1.21.x

Loot Conditions

Loot conditions can be used to check whether a loot entry or loot pool should be used in the current context. In both cases, a list of conditions is defined; the entry or pool is only used if all conditions pass. During datagen, they are added to a LootPoolEntryContainer.Builder<?> or LootPool.Builder by calling #when with an instance of the desired condition. This article will outline the available loot conditions, as well as how to create your own.

Vanilla Loot Conditions

See also: Item Predicates on the Minecraft Wiki


NeoForge Loot Conditions


This condition only returns true if the surrounding loot table id matches. This is typically used within global loot modifiers.

// In some loot pool or pool entry
"conditions": [
"condition": "neoforge:loot_table_id",
// Will only apply when the loot table is for dirt
"loot_table_id": "minecraft:blocks/dirt"

During datagen, call LootTableIdCondition#builder with the desired loot table id to construct an instance of this condition.


This condition only returns true if the item in the tool loot context parameter (LootContextParams.TOOL), usually the item used to break the block or kill the entity, can perform the specified ItemAbility.

// In some loot pool or pool entry
"conditions": [
"condition": "neoforge:can_item_perform_ability",
// Will only apply if the tool can strip a log like an axe
"ability": "axe_strip"

During datagen, call CanItemPerformAbility#canItemPerformAbility with the id of the desired item ability to construct an instance of this condition.

Custom Loot Conditions

Loot conditions are a registry. Like many other registries, they use the pattern of "one type object, many instance objects". Additionally, like many other datapack-related systems, they use codecs. To get started, we create our loot item condition class. For the sake of example, let's assume we only want the condition to pass if the player killing the mob has a certain xp level:

public record HasXpLevelCondition(int level) implements LootItemCondition {
// Add the context we need for this condition. In our case, this will be the xp level the player must have.
public static final MapCodec<HasXpLevelCondition> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(inst ->
).apply(inst, HasXpLevelCondition::new));
// Our type instance.
public static final LootItemConditionType TYPE = new LootItemConditionType(CODEC);

// Return our type instance here.
public LootItemConditionType getType() {
return TYPE;

// Evaluates the condition here. Get the required loot context parameters from the provided LootContext.
// In our case, we want the KILLER_ENTITY to have at least our required level.
public boolean test(LootContext context) {
Entity entity = context.getParamOrNull(LootContextParams.KILLER_ENTITY);
return entity instanceof Player player && player.experienceLevel >= level;

// Tell the game what parameters we expect from the loot context. Used in validation.
public Set<LootContextParam<?>> getReferencedContextParams() {
return ImmutableSet.of(LootContextParams.KILLER_ENTITY);

And then, we can register the condition type to the registry:

public static final DeferredRegister<LootItemConditionType> LOOT_CONDITION_TYPES =
DeferredRegister.create(Registries.LOOT_CONDITION_TYPE, ExampleMod.MOD_ID);

public static final Supplier<LootItemConditionType> MIN_XP_LEVEL =
LOOT_CONDITION_TYPES.register("min_xp_level", () -> HasXpLevelCondition.TYPE);