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Version: 1.21.x


Recipes are a way to transform a set of objects into other objects within a Minecraft world. Although Minecraft uses this system purely for item transformations, the system is built in a way that allows any kind of objects - blocks, entities, etc. - to be transformed. Almost all recipes use recipe data files (a select few still use in-code methods for legacy reasons); a "recipe" is assumed to be a data-driven recipe in this article unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Recipe data files are located at data/<namespace>/recipes/<path>.json. For example, the recipe minecraft:diamond_block is located at data/minecraft/recipes/diamond_block.json.

In vanilla, all recipes also have a corresponding recipe advancement that is responsible for unlocking the recipe in the recipe book. Despite not being necessary, and despite the recipe book generally being neglected by the modded community in favor of recipe viewer mods, the recipe data provider automatically generates them for you, so it is recommended to just roll with it.

JSON Specification

The contents of recipe files vary greatly depending on the selected recipe type. Common to all recipe files are the following two properties:

// The recipe type. This maps to an entry in the recipe serializer registry.
"type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped",
// A list of data load conditions. Optional, NeoForge-added. See the Conditions article for more information.
"neoforge:conditions": [ /*...*/ ]

A full list of types can be found in the Built-In Recipe Types article.

Most recipes will also use ingredients in some way. Ingredients are a way to specify what inputs a recipe can use. They are a very powerful system and thus outlined in their own article.

Other Crafting Mechanisms

Some mechanisms in vanilla are generally considered crafting, but are implemented differently in code. This is generally either due to legacy reasons, or because the "recipes" are constructed from other data (e.g. tags).

Anvil Recipes

Anvils have two input slots and one output slot. The only vanilla use case is tool repairing and combining, and thus no recipe files are provided. However, the system can be built upon using AnvilUpdateEvent. This event allows getting the input (left input slot) and material (right input slot) and allows setting an output item stack, as well as the experience cost and the number of materials to consume. The process can also be prevented as a whole by canceling the event.

// This example allows repairing a stone pickaxe with a full stack of dirt, consuming half the stack, for 3 levels.
public static void onAnvilUpdate(AnvilUpdateEvent event) {
ItemStack left = event.getLeft();
ItemStack right = event.getRight();
if ( && && right.getCount() >= 64) {

Recipe viewer mods will generally not pick up these recipes. Support for these mods must be added manually, please see the corresponding mod's documentation for more information.


See the Brewing chapter in the Mob Effects & Potions article.

Using Recipes


Recipes are loaded and stored via the RecipeManager. Any operations relating to getting available recipe(s) are handled by this manager. There are two important methods to know of:

getRecipeForGets the first recipe that matches the current input.
getRecipesForGets all recipes that match the current input.

Each method takes in a RecipeType, which denotes what method is being applied to use the recipe (crafting, smelting, etc.), a Container which holds the configuration of the inputs, and the current level which is passed to Recipe#matches along with the container. The methods return a RecipeHolder which contain the name of the recipe and the Recipe object itself.


NeoForge provides the RecipeWrapper utility class which extends Container for wrapping around IItemHandlers and passing them to methods which requires a Container parameter.

// Within some method with IItemHandlerModifiable handler
recipeManger.getRecipeFor(RecipeType.CRAFTING, new RecipeWrapper(handler), level);

Custom Recipes


Every recipe definition is made up of three components: the Recipe implementation which holds the data and handles the execution logic with the provided inputs, the RecipeType which represents the category or context the recipe will be used in, and the RecipeSerializer which handles decoding and network communication of the recipe data. How one chooses to use the recipe is up to the implementor.



The Recipe interface describes the recipe data and the execution logic. This includes matching the inputs and providing the associated result. As the recipe subsystem performs item transformations by default, the inputs are supplied through a Container subtype.


The Containers passed into the recipe should be treated as if its contents were immutable. Any mutable operations should be performed on a copy of the input through ItemStack#copy.

To be able to obtain a recipe instance from the manager, #matches must return true. This method checks against the provided container to see whether the associated inputs are valid. Ingredients can be used for validation by calling Ingredient#test.

If the recipe has been chosen, it is then built using #assemble which may use data from the inputs to create the result.


#assemble should always produce a unique ItemStack. If unsure whether #assemble does so, call ItemStack#copy on the result before returning.

Most of the other methods are purely for integration with the recipe book.

public record ExampleRecipe(Ingredient input, int data, ItemStack output) implements Recipe<Container> {
// Implement methods here

While a record is used in the above example, it is not required to do so in your own implementation.



RecipeType is responsible for defining the category or context the recipe will be used within. For example, if a recipe was going to be smelted in a furnace, it would have a type of RecipeType#SMELTING. Being blasted in a blast furnace would have a type of RecipeType#BLASTING.

If none of the existing types match what context the recipe will be used within, then a new RecipeType must be registered.

The RecipeType instance must then be returned by Recipe#getType in the new recipe subtype.

// For some RegistryObject<RecipeType> EXAMPLE_TYPE
// In ExampleRecipe
public RecipeType<?> getType() {
return EXAMPLE_TYPE.get();



A RecipeSerializer is responsible for decoding JSONs and communicating across the network for an associated Recipe subtype. Each recipe decoded by the serializer is saved as a unique instance within the RecipeManager. A RecipeSerializer must be registered.

Only two methods need to be implemented for a RecipeSerializer:

codecA map codec used to read and write the recipe to disk.
streamCodecA stream codec used to send the recipe through the network.

The RecipeSerializer instance must then be returned by Recipe#getSerializer in the new recipe subtype.

// For some DeferredHolder<RecipeSerializer<?>, ExampleRecipeSerializer> EXAMPLE_SERIALIZER
// In ExampleRecipe
public RecipeSerializer<?> getSerializer() {

There are some useful codecs to make reading and writing data for recipes easier. Ingredients have #CODEC, #CODEC_NONEMPTY, and #CONTENTS_STREAM_CODEC while ItemStacks can use #STRICT_CODEC and #STREAM_CODEC.

Building the JSON


Custom Recipe JSONs are stored in the same place as other recipes. The specified type should represent the registry name of the recipe serializer. Any additional data is specified by the serializer during decoding.

// The custom serializer registry name
"type": "examplemod:example_serializer",
"input": {
// Some ingredient input
"data": 0, // Some data wanted for the recipe
"output": {
// Some stack output

Non-Item Logic


If items are not used as part of the input or result of a recipe, then the normal methods provided in RecipeManager will not be useful. Instead, an additional method for testing a recipe's validity and/or supplying the result should be added to the custom Recipe instance. From there, all the recipes for that specific RecipeType can be obtained via RecipeManager#getAllRecipesFor and then checked and/or supplied the result using the newly implemented methods.

// In some Recipe subimplementation ExampleRecipe

// Checks the block at the position to see if it matches the stored data
boolean matches(Level level, BlockPos pos);

// Creates the block state to set the block at the specified position to
BlockState assemble(HolderLookup.Provider lookupProvider);

// In some manager class
public Optional<ExampleRecipe> getRecipeFor(Level level, BlockPos pos) {
return level.getRecipeManager()
.getAllRecipesFor(exampleRecipeType) // Gets all recipes
.stream() // Looks through all recipes for types
.filter(recipe -> recipe.matches(level, pos)) // Checks if the recipe inputs are valid
.findFirst(); // Finds the first recipe whose inputs match

Data Generation


Extending the Crafting Grid Size

The ShapedRecipePattern class, responsible for holding the in-memory representation of shaped crafting recipes, has a hardcoded limit of 3x3 slots, hindering mods that want to add larger crafting tables while reusing the vanilla shaped crafting recipe type. To solve this problem, NeoForge patches in a static method called ShapedRecipePattern#setCraftingSize(int width, int height) that allows increasing the limit. The biggest value wins here, so for example if one mod added a 4x6 crafting table and another added a 6x5 crafting table, the resulting values would be 6x6.


ShapedRecipePattern#setCraftingSize is not thread-safe. It must be wrapped in an event#enqueueWork call.
